24 September 2014


Hii   as you can see, I totally restyled the blog! Do you like it? 
I love it, I find it much more clean and organized now 
kirakria* I also added three categories: Shopping, Reviews and Outfits. Maybe I'll add one for my "daily life" posts, we'll see 
Annnnd I wanted to show you the birthday presents I got 

 This one was a joke, but if you didn't know... I really, REALLY love pigs.

I actually bought this top myself  ahah I loved it too much!

I also did some online shopping  I ordered two pairs of socks (one for me and one for my bf) and one pair of tights from Sandysshop, I can't wait to wear them!  
The grumpy cat sweather is from a random shop on Ebay, it was really cheap!

Now I'm waiting another two secret gifts from my bf, I only know that one is from Morph8ne and the other one will probably arrive tomorrow 


carla ortega said...

congrats for your b-day!, cute things ;)

Strawbery♡Milk said...

Thank you sweetie ♥ ♥ ♥