23 January 2017

PLAN WITH ME - January 2017

Hi everyone! I know this blog was almost dead but I decided to start writing again, so...
First of all I should explain the reason of my absence: I've had really bad health problems and I didn't have the energy to focus on posting/filming videos etc. it took time but I'm a lot better, so yay for me!

As some of you may know, I'm literally obsessed with journals, planners, diaries etc... but I have never been 100% satisfied with my past journaling methods.
One day I came across some IG accounts and I entered the world of Bullet Journaling (!! be aware, once you're in there is no turning back lol), so I immediately ordered a notebook on Amazon (a Leuchtturm 1917): I wanted a dotted one but it wasn't available (well, it was but for 2x the price) so I said well... whatever, a ruled one will be good too.

I was really excided to start writing on it and I find it really helpful to keep me distracted from bad thoughts/boredom/etc...
Let's have a better look!

Almost all the journals I've seen on the net had a page dedicated to "keys", but I found it pretty useless (to me) so I skipped that part.
Wait... are you wondering wtf a key page is? I'll explain it: it's a page where you write all the "symbols" you're going to use in your journal, for example if you write "• visit my granny", the • is the key to indicate a task. 

In this way, you can easily organize your day without having to write everytime
"I HAVE TO do this/that".
I do this in my mind, without writing keys on an apposite page, but it's pretty much the same.

Mood Tracker

Since living in my mind is like being on a rollercoaster 24/7, I decided to use this page to track 
my mood throughout the year.
I used my favorite color for the "amazing" mood, hoping to fill this grid with pink.

New Years Resolutions

There's not much to explain, it's just a list of what I want to do/obtain in this year.
I already did one on a notebook befor buying this one but having I think that having it on my bullet journal it's actually better, bc I can read it everytime I want since I open it everyday ♥

The positive page

I was meant to use this page for the "Level 10 Life" page (I'll explain it in another post) but since I didn't have a compass and I had to do perfectly round circles (lol at my perfectionism) I decided to do it later and I filled this page with positive quotes.
I find it really useful because I can read it everyday and it's like a little reminder to myself to smile and keep going.

Weekly spread

I use two pages for each week, in this way I have enough space to write everything I did/bought/watched etc...
In the blank space under sunday, I draw every week a grid with my weekly tasks: workout, tidy, take supplements etc... I still forget to use it properly everyday but I'll get used to it.

Gratitude Log

At the end of January I had a blank page, so I thought to do a list of the things I've been grateful for throughout the month.
I'll do it at the end of every month to keep me focused on the positive side of my life.

 Reasons to recover

This is my favorite page. I guess almost all of you know (maybe? idk) that I'm in recovery from an eating disorder, and on this page I wrote all the reasons to recover so when I'm sad/mentally unwell I can open my journal and read this page to feel better.
I'll do a post where I'll explain each point of the list because I think it's a really useful thing for who is in my same situation. 

And... that's all! Organizing a bullet journal is pretty simple, don't you think? Do you have one?