30 July 2014

☆ Glavil Haul + Rimini Comix ☆

Hiii it's been a while, I know
Obviously my Glavil package arrived, I was so happy I had to try everything on and... I didn't realize I had to take photos.
The bag was really full, closed with scotch (I was a little surprised... like, a super cute bag closed like that?)
I thought it was an accessory bag (like the name said), but as soon as I opened it, I saw clothes
Don't get me wrong, I was surprised in a good way!
So.. I found a dress, a cardigan, a brooch with a little red plectrum and a necklace

I really love the dress and I'm super duper happy with the cardigan, I was a little sad because I thought I wouldn't be able to wear it because of the weather, but... this summer happened to be really cold here in Italy

With my bf's sisters
Shoes: Offbrand
Cardigan: Glavil
Crop-top: H&M
Accessories: Holy Murasaki, Kreepsville666
Skirt & Bag: Calliope

On the 19th I went to the Rimini Comix, an annual convention   it was my second time, I already went there two years ago.
For those days the weather has been like hell, the hottest days of summer (at least for now) so I couldn't dress the way I planned.
Instead I wore a Ghost of Harlem dress, the whitest and lightest dress that I had

Wig: Lockshop
Dress: Ghost of Harlem
Shoes: Offbrand
Bag: Tally Weijl
Bracelet: Colors&Beauty
Headband: Terranova

I met so many friends and my bf bought me a Sylveon plush and a Nico brooch (I bought it with Giulia, she took the Maki one) and we went to eat all together. I ordered a cassone, a typical dish.
It's soooo good, we became addicted
Then I went at the Anime Night, there were tons of people and there was an endless queque: we managed to buy tickets at 1am
For the night I wore my new glavil dress   I don't have a proper photo, I looked half dead that night and the light was awful but I had fun dancing with my bf
Buuut I wore almost the same outfit last week to go out with Federica and Rika (and their bfs )

 Dress: Glavil by tutuha
Accessories: Colors&Beauty, Holy Murasaki, Kreepsville666
Socks: Tally Weijl
Creepers: Offbrand
Do you like it?

Stay tuned for the next post! There'll be a BIG surprise!!!

6 July 2014


Hi sweeties, last week I finished my internet MBs so I couldn't update
I did a lot of shopping now I'm poor but happy, so it's time to do an haul post
My Glavil parcel will arrive tomorrow and I also ordered new Holy Murasaki accessories  
Yesterday evening I went to the Tanabata festival in Florence with my bf (I know, it should be the 7th of July but it's monday, so...) I was really happy cause I ate takoyaki, I can eat them only two times a year   I wanted to write "I hope to eat tons of takoyaki" on my tanzaku I'm a little addicted.
Yesterday's outfit  

Wig: Lockshop
Dress: H&M
Socks, Shoes & Necklace: offbrand
Bag: Calliope
Bracelet: Colors&Beauty
Hairband: Terranova

The dress I wore yesterday is new, I bought it last week when I went to the mall  
Today it's the first day of sales here in Florence so I woke up early and I went to the mall again  
I'm super tired but it was absolutely worth it  

I really love the shoes (they're super confortable even if the platform is high) and I fell in love with the Guess croptop, it's a present for my bf   
Stay tuned, I'll show you the rest of my summer haul in the next post, along with my glavil things